IDEE-ProyectosIdee-Autonomico Cabecera
Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain
Autonomous Communities
Barra azul col 1
IDEE-Titulo subsección
IDEE-ProyectosIdee-Autonomico Contenido
Autonomous Community Classification
Classification by Theme
Links to Spatial Data Infrastructure projects that are the responsibility of public agencies from the autonomous administrations and regional organisations. Classification is based on the organisation responsible for the project or the subject matter provided.

Links to Spatial Data Infrastructure projects that are the responsibility of public agencies from the autonomous administrations and regional organisations. Classification is based on the organisation responsible for the project or the subject matter provided.
IDEAndalucia: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Andalusian Regional Government.
ClimaSIG: Geographic viewer with information obtained via the CLIMATE Subsystem from climatology monitoring in the Andalusian region.
Geographical Locator of Andalusian Cultural Heritage: Viewer depicting patrimonial entities within their spatial context. It is possible to access other related content via the Locator to supplement their information: Database of Immovable Heritage in Andalusia, Database of Contemporary Andalusian Architecture, Image Database of Andalusian Cultural Heritage, and other multimedia content.
Thematic Node of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia: offers a spatial view of the main quantitative variables related to the Andalusian territory.
Andalusian Environmental Information Network (REDIAM) created by Law 7/2007 of 9 July for Integrated Management of Environmental Quality (GICA), its goal is to integrate all information about the Andalusian environment generated by all types of centres that produce environmental information in the Autonomous Community. It offers several viewers and OGC services.
Geographic Information System for Agricultural Parcel Identification (SIGPAC) created through a collaboration between the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA) and the various Autonomous Communities, within the scope of their territories. It contains up-to-date information on parcels eligible for surface area-related community aide, providing graphical support for these and their subdivisions (ENCLOSURES) having defined agricultural uses or advantages.
Geological-Mining Information System of Andalusia: Map viewer offering the possibility for online consultation of different information related to mining and geology in Andalusia.
Urban Digital Street Map of Andalusia: Map viewer offering the possibility to consult addresses in Andalusia.
IDE Aragón: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Town Council of Aragón.
Educational SDI of Aragón: Educational Spatial Data Infrastructure of Aragón.
Islas Canarias
IDECanarias: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Canary Islands Government.
Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository (REDMIC): Canary Islands Marine Data Infrastructure from the Granadilla Environmental Observatory Foundation (OAG).
IDE Cantabria: Spatial Data Infrastructure of Cantabria.
Castilla y La Mancha
IDE-CLM: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Castilla la Mancha Regional Government.
Castilla y León
IDECyL: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Castile-Leon Regional Government.
Forestry Portal of Castile-Leon: Project promoted by the Castile-Leon Regional Government, the Intersectoral Roundtable for Wood of Castile-Leon, Profor and Cesefor, which includes a map viewer with detailed geographical information about the potential for utilisation and/or supplies of forest products and industry in the sector.
Cataluña / Catalunya
IDEC: Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia.
Agència Catalana de l'Aigua For the dissemination of the Water Framework Directive.
Urban Map of Catalonia: Viewer developed by the Government of Catalonia with information about urban planning in the region.
Mapa de Protecció Civil de Catalunya: Viewer developed by the Government of Catalonia with information on emergency planning and risk prevention.
Geoindex: Geological, edaphological and, in general, geo-thematic and risk information and documentation created directly by the Institut Geològic de Catalunya.
Comunidad Foral de Navarra
IDENA: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Government of Navarre.
SITNA: Territorial Information System of Navarra.
Comunidad de Madrid
IDEM: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Community of Madrid
Comunidad Valenciana / Comunitat Valenciana
IDEV: Spatial Data Infrastructure of Valencia.
IDE Extremadura: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Extremadura Regional Government.
Educational SDI of Extremadura: Educational Spatial Data Infrastructure of Extremadura.
IDEG: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Regional Government of Galicia.
DHGC: SDI node of the Galicia-Costa river basin district.
Islas Baleares
IDEIB: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Balearic Islands Government.
ICGIB: Cartographic and Geographic Institute of the Balearic Islands.
SIGPES: Fisheries Geographic Information System of the Balearic Islands.
La Rioja
IDERioja: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Government of La Rioja.
País Vasco / Euskadi
Geoeuskadi: Reference geoportal of the Basque Country Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE de Euskadi) with the aim of facilitating and promoting reuse and easy and effective access to geographical information from the Basque Autonomous Community.
Principado de Asturias
SITPA-IDEAS: Project to merge the Territorial Information System of the Principality of Asturias and the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Asturias from the Principality of Asturias Government.
Asturias Industrial Space Locator (Línea): Geographic Information System from the Institute for Economic Development of the Principality of Asturias (IDEPA) for access to business and industrial information in the region.
IDEPA: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Institute for Economic Development of the Principality of Asturias
CETEMAS Foundation's IDE: Spatial data infrastructure of the Forestry and Wood Technology Center of Asturias (CETEMAS)
Región de Murcia
IDERM: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Region of Murcia.
Proyecto NATMUR-08: Digital aerial photogrammetry and LIDAR lifting from the Region of Murcia.
Autonomous Region Reference Node
IDEAndalucia: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Andalusian Regional Government.
IDEARAGON: Spatial Data Infrastructure of Aragon.
IDECanarias: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Canary Islands Government.
IDE Cantabria: Spatial Data Infrastructure of Cantabria.
IDE-CLM: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Castilla la Mancha Regional Government.
IDECyL: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Castile-Leon Regional Government.
IDEC: Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia.
IDENA: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Government of Navarre.
IDEV: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Regional Government of Valencia.
IDE Extremadura: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Extremadura Regional Government.
IDEG: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Regional Government of Galicia.
IDEIB: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Balearic Islands Government.
IDERioja: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the La Rioja Government.
Geoeuskadi: Reference Geoportal of the Basque Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE de Euskadi) with the aim of facilitating and promoting reuse and easy and effective access to geographical information on the Basque Autonomous Community.
SITPA-IDEAS: Project to merge the Territorial Information System of the Principality of Asturias and the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Asturias from the Principality of Asturias Government.
IDERM: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Region of Murcia.
IDEM: Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Community of Madrid.
Meteorological Geographical Features (INSPIRE)
ClimaSIG: Geographical viewer of information obtained through the CLIMATE Subsystem to monitor the climate in the Andalusian region.
Educational Cartography
Educational SDI of Extremadura: Educational Spatial Data Infrastructure of Extremadura.
Educational SDI of Aragón: Educational Spatial Data Infrastructure of Aragón.
Addresses (INSPIRE)
Digital Urban Street Map of Andalusia: Map viewer offering the possibility to consult addresses in Andalusia.
Forestry or Agricultural
Geographic Information System for Agricultural Parcel Identification (SIGPAC): created through collaboration between the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA) and the various Autonomous Communities within the scope of their territories. It contains up-to-date information on parcels eligible for surface area-related community aide, providing graphical support for these and their subdivisions (ENCLOSURES) having defined agricultural uses or advantages.
Urban Planning (INSPIRE: Buildings, Land use)
Urban Map of Catalonia: A viewer developed by the Government of Catalonia with information about urban planning in the region.
Geology (INSPIRE)
Geoindex: Geological, edaphological and, in general, geo-thematic and risk information and documentation generated directly by the Institut Geològic de Catalunya.
Habitats and Biotopes (INSPIRE)
Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository (REDMIC): Canary Islands Marine Data Infrastructure from the Granadilla Environmental Observatory Foundation (OAG).
SIGPES: Fisheries Geographic Information System of the Balearic Islands.
Hydrography (INSPIRE)
DHGC: SDI Node of the Galicia-Costa river basin district.
Production and Industrial Facilities (INSPIRE)
Asturias Industrial Space Locator (Línea): Geographic Information System of the Institute for Economic Development of the Principality of Asturias (IDEPA) for access to business and industrial information in the region.
Forestry Portal of Castile-Leon: Project promoted by the Castile-Leon Regional Government, the Intersectoral Roundtable for Wood of Castile-Leon, Profor and Cesefor, which includes a map viewer with detailed geographical information about the potential for utilisation and/or supplies of forest products and industry in the sector.
Geological-Mining Information System of Andalusia: Map viewer offering the possibility to consult diverse online information related to mining and geology in Andalusia.
Protected Sites (INSPIRE)
Geographical Locator of Andalusian Cultural Heritage: Viewer depicting patrimonial entities within their spatial context. It is possible to access other related content via the Locator to supplement their information: Database of Immovable Heritage in Andalusia, Database of Contemporary Andalusian Architecture, Image Database of Andalusian Cultural Heritage, and other multimedia content.
Andalusian Environmental Information Network (REDIAM): Created by Law 7/2007 of 9 July for Integrated Management of Environmental Quality (GICA), its goal is to integrate all information about the Andalusian environment generated by all types of centres that produce environmental information in the Autonomous Community. It offers several viewers and OGC services.
Orthoimagery (INSPIRE)
Proyecto NATMUR-08: Digital aerial photogrammetry and LIDAR lifting from the Region of Murcia.
Utility and Governmental Services (INSPIRE)
Agència Catalana de l'Aigua for dissemination of the Water Framework Directive.
Mapa de Protecció Civil de Catalunya: A viewer developed by the Government of Catalonia with information on emergency planning and risk prevention.
SITNA: Territorial Information System of Navarra.
Statistical Units (INSPIRE)
Thematic Node of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia: offers a spatial perspective on the main quantitative variables related to the Andalusian territory.
Urban Planning (INSPIRE: Buildings, Land use)
Urban Map of Catalonia: A viewer developed by the Government of Catalonia with information about urban planning in the region..