IDEE-Codiige Cabecera

Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain


Executive Council of the Spanish Geographical Information Infrastructure

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IDEE-Codiige Contenido

Executive Council of the Spanish Geographical Information Infrastructure

The Executive Council of the Spanish Geographical Information Infrastructure (CODIIGE), created by the Geographic High Council, is made up of representatives from the three fields of the Administration, experts from the Geographic High Council Commissions, and experts in environmental policies.

Its primary responsibilities are:

Dependent on the CODIIGE

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Technical Working Groups (WGs)

These are responsible for technical tasks related to implementation of the INSPIRE Data Specifications and Technical Guidelines and to help producers of data and services to conform with them.

They propose to the CODIIGE the adoption of directives, guidelines, classifications, coded lists, and other technical documents to facilitate interoperability for their presentation to the Geographic High Council for their adoption.