Legislación-Datos Cabecera
Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain
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Legislación-Titulo subsección
Legislación-Datos Contenido
Regulations applicable to spatial data sets.
For creation and maintenance of data see:
- (31-12-2014) Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010 as regards the interoperability of spatial data sets and services: Where requirements are set out to ensure interoperability and harmonisation of spatial data sets and services corresponding to the themes listed in Annexes I, II and III to the Directive. This includes encoding rules for spatial data sets, spatial object types and data types, defining enumerations and code lists, minimum mandatory metadata, etc. It also states that the representation of spatial data sets must be done through a view service with the layers and styles defined in the data specifications of each theme.
This version, released on 31 December 2014, includes the following modifications:- Regulation (EU) No. 102/2011 of 4 February 2011 amending Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010: introducing changes in aspects relating to code lists.
- Regulation (EU) No. 1253/2013 of 21 October 2013 amending Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010: which adds the technical arrangements for spatial data sets relating to the themes in Annexes II and III of the INSPIRE Directive, and introduces amendments to existing technical arrangements relating to the themes in Annex I of the Directive.
- Regulation (EU) No. 1312/2014 of 10 December 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010: which concerns only invocable spatial data services.
- Regulation (EU) No. 2023/2431 of 24 October 2023 amending Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010 as regards the interoperability of spatial data sets and services.
- (08-12-2010) Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010 concerning the interoperability of spatial data sets and services: which does not include the amendments in 2011, 2013, 2014 y 2023.
- Data specifications: see the section of the IDEE blog that summarizes its content for each of the INSPIRE themes.
For implementation of all this, see the Implementation section on the IDEE Platform. In particular, see the points 1) Identify INSPIRE Spatial Datasets and 5) Transforming Data.